Sunday, October 12, 2014

Demas or Luke

The last time we looked at Paul's prison letter to Timothy, Paul is
reminding Timothy to come soon because winter is coming and opportunities for sailing the seas will be gone and Paul will never see Timothy again in this life. 

He laments the fact that, "Demas hath forsaken me." (II Timothy 4:10) Paul mentions Demas in two other letters as a servant of the Lord. To forsake means to "abandon." It's like the sailors who, a few months ago, abandoned the sinking ship to let the passengers make it the best they could. Or, like the soldiers who abandoned their posts letting the enemy take over. Many people, like Demas, forsake the Lord's servants in the greatest time of need. Why did Demas forsake Paul? The answer is, "Having loved this present world and is departed to Thessalonica." He was in love with this present world. Thessalonica, in all probability, was home for Demas. Many folks love
the present world and the comfort of home more than they love the Lord.

Paul mentions two, however, who stood with him. "Only Luke is with me." (II Tim. 4:11) And verse seventeen says, "Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me;"

Some Christian friends, like Luke will stand when others forsake you.  We
can always count on the Lord to keep His promise to, "Never leave you nor
forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)  

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