Saturday, October 11, 2014

God's Word: a Lamp and a Light

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105)

In the days of the Psalmist lamps and lights were not great in "candle
power" as they are today.  In fact, they were more like the kerosene
lanterns my dad and brothers and I used when doing the chores at the barn
after dark or before morning light.  Sometimes visiting the neighbors or
hunting small animals would require the dim light of a kerosene lantern.

We could never see the path or trail more than a few feet beyond us using
the light of a kerosene lantern.  We would take a step in the light we had
and then another and another until we reached our destination.

God has not illuminated the entire path from salvation to Heaven's door.
He has not revealed all the trials, heartaches, and hardships along the way.
In His Word we have a lamp to our feet lest we stumble.  We have a light
unto our path immediately in front of us.  We must trust His precious Word
to give us all we need for the pathway.  He has designed our journey as a
walk of faith not a walk of sight.  If we will stay in His Word we will have
all we need for guiding our feet along the course to heaven.

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