Saturday, October 4, 2014

Common People and the Uncommon Christ

And the common people heard Him gladly.  (Mark 12:37)

Some people wear themselves out trying to rub elbows with the elite, with
the "who’s who" of mankind.  But Mark records that the common people heard
Jesus gladly.

Common people are as common as the wayside grasses.  They are like the saw
briers and non-descript plants on the side of the road.  They carry no
pedigree in their pocket.  Common people love to be around other common
people.  They saw Jesus as a common man.  He could talk their language.  He
ate the same common food they ate.  He wore the same kind of common clothes.
He could sit by the side of a well and draw a common person into a
conversation about the water of life.  He could talk about farming, of
buildings on foundations, of grapes and figs.

I led a common man to faith in Jesus Christ.  There was nothing outstanding
about him.  A man of means said to me, "Preacher you need to be going after
the more substantial people of means."  I believe Jesus would have us
Christians to go after all men, the common men and women, the elites and all
the rest and bring them to Christ.  By the way, are you "common" enough to 
admit your need of Him and accept Him by faith?

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