Friday, October 17, 2014

Having Something to Say

There is a big difference in having something to say and having to say

When Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James and John
there appeared with them Moses and Elijah.  Peter said to Jesus, Master, it
is good for us to be here.  Let us make three tabernacles; one for you, one
for Moses and one for Elijah: not knowing what he said. (Luke 9:28-33)  It
was a case of having to say something but not having anything to say. 

The three friends of Job had the same problem.  They felt like they had to
say something, accusing Job of multitudes of sins.  They had nothing to say,
but they spoke anyhow.

Later in Peter's life, he had something to say when he confessed, "Thou art
the Christ, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:16) This time he had to
say something because he had something to say.

See the centurion at the cross witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus.
Hear him as he says, "Truly this was the Son of God." (Matthew 27:54)  He
had something to say.

Following the resurrection Jesus appears a week later on the evening of the
first day of the week.  When Thomas saw the resurrected Christ and the nail
prints in His hands and feet he exclaimed, "My Lord and my God."  (John
20:28)  He had something to say.

What about you and me?  If you are a Christian you have something to say,
and you have to say something.

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