Saturday, May 20, 2017

When I Can Find the Time

“And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, ‘Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.’”(Acts 24:25)

Paul had given his defense before Felix the governor and now a few days later, Felix and his wife, Drusilla, are before Paul. Like so many others before him and since, Felix is trembling under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. He wanted to put off any decision until he could find a more convenient time. No record of his becoming a Christian is given in the Bible. Apparently, he never found the time.

A man with whom I had shared the gospel was in the Coronary Care Unit of our hospital. I visited him there and again shared the gospel. He had never been this serious about being saved before. He suddenly said, “Come back to see me at home. This is not the right place, nor the right time.” He was dismissed from the hospital and went home. I visited him again at home and he said, “Not right now.” The next day he had a massive heart attack and died instantly. Like Felix, he never found the time.

The Bible says now is the accepted time of salvation. There will never be a better time than now.

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