Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Let Christ Change You

“And Saul was consenting unto his death.” (Acts 8:1)

If I see evil taking place and I do not raise my voice against it I am consenting to the evil. It is very much like Pilate the governor when Jesus was being tried, scourged and crucified. Pilate, “took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, ‘I am innocent of the blood of this just person…’” (Matthew 27:24)

In Acts 6 and 7 the Sanhedrin Council was cut or pricked to the heart when Stephen preached his message to them concerning their history of rejecting the messages of the prophets of God. Stephen’s message included their rejection of Jesus, the Messiah. To silence Stephen they took up stones and stoned him to death. Saul gave his consent. He never lifted his hand or raised his voice against it. He just went along with it.

Even though he went along with this evil deed, shortly afterward, Saul was saved by the grace of God. His name was changed from Saul (big man) to Paul (insignificant man). He became one of the greatest Christians ever. He was a servant, or slave, to Jesus. He wrote thirteen books of the New Testament and made his stand against evil, standing for Christ and the followers of Christ.  He suffered a martyr’s death. Christ Jesus the Savior made a change in him. Christ can make a change in you if you will let Him. 

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