Friday, May 12, 2017

Burden Bearers

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Folks all around us have burdens of different sizes, shapes and content. Some are burdened with sickness, while others have financial burdens. Family issues are burdens for many folks. There are multitudes of burdens all around us.

We Christians are to be burden bearers. We are to help others through their hard times. The idea is that we are to put our shoulder under the burden of others. We are to be “Load Lifters.” We are to do this through love as Christ loves us.

An old song I have loved for many years, since the first time I heard it, illustrates well the idea of burden bearing. The song is entitled simply, “Others.”

Lord, help me live from day to day, in such a self forgetful way,
That even when I kneel to pray, my prayer shall be for others.

Help me in all the work I do, to ever be sincere and true,
And know that all I’d do for you must needs be done for others.

And when my work on earth is done, and my new work in heaven’s begun,
May I forget the crown I’ve won, while thinking still of others.

Others, Lord, yes, others, Let this my motto be,
Help me to live for others, that I may live like Thee.

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