Saturday, March 19, 2016

Who Will Go?

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then said I, ‘Here am I; send me.’” (Isaiah 6:8)

In the year that good king Uzziah of Judah died Isaiah had a vision of God and all His glory and majesty. In that vision Isaiah came to recognize his own sinfulness and the sinfulness of his fellow Jews. A seraphim came to Isaiah with a coal from off the altar and laid it on Isaiah’s mouth, announcing that his sins were taken away.

It was following his vision of God, the recognition of his sinfulness and the purging of his sins that Isaiah heard the voice of the LORD asking the question in our text. It was then that Isaiah responded with, “Here am I; send me.”

Genuine worship calls for a response. When we have been in God’s presence, have had our sins dealt with and have heard God’s call to do His bidding there must be a response from us. Otherwise, worship is empty and void of meaning.

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