Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Demas Loved this Present World

“…Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica…” (II Timothy 4:10)

It was perhaps Paul’s greatest time of need for friends, encouragement, and prayers from fellow believers as he awaited the executioner. He told Timothy in previous verses that the time of his departure was at hand.

Two other times in his epistles Paul had listed Demas as a fellow servant of the Lord. In Paul’s darkest hour, however, Demas forsook him. Demas is the epitome of shallow Christian commitment seen too often today. He loved this present world. He was interested in the here and now but not the hereafter. Maybe earlier he had exemplified great potential and ability. However, God is looking for availability, not ability.

Paul stood with the Lord. More importantly, the Lord stood with him and strengthened him (II Timothy 4:19). The Lord will stand with you also as you make your stand with Him.

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