Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Lord’s Last Word to the Church

“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first words; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” (Revelation 2:5)

In his book, “Repent or Else,” the late Vance Havner said, “The Lord’s last word to the churches was not, ‘Go ye.’ It was, ‘Repent ye.’ And that’s the last thing most churches think they need to do or are willing to do.”

In chapters two and three of the Revelation the Lord speaks to the seven churches of Asia. Five of the seven He called to repent for various things: love grown cold, false doctrine, licentiousness, deadness while pretending to be alive, and luke-warmness. These things are prevalent in many of today’s churches. Two of the seven had no recorded blemishes.

It is likely that my readers attend a church that has some or all of these maladies, plus perhaps some additional ones. Don’t quit and go to another church. Stay and help your church get back on the right path. If personal repentance is needed, do it now. Read your Bible. Pray for your pastor and people. Walk with the Lord yourself, setting a good example. Talk to your pastor about the problem and let him know you are praying for him. Give it time. If there is no addressing of the issues and no repentance then pray about choosing another church where the Bible is taught, preached, believed and practiced.

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