Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Take God at His Word

"And it came to pass in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, that this word came unto Jeremiah from the Lord saying, Take thee a roll of a book, and write therin all the words that I have spoken unto thee…” (Jeremiah 36:1-2)

You can take God at His word. As a young teen-ager, my older brother was struggling with how to be saved. Our pastor asked him, “Do you want to be saved?” My brother said, “yes.” Our pastor, who had read many Bible verses to him over a period of several months said, “Just take God at His Word.” He did just that and was gloriously saved.

Jeremiah, the prophet of God declared he was hearing, writing and preaching the word of God. In chapter 36 of his prophecy he declares nine such phrases as “this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord” and “write all the words that I have spoken unto you.” Jeremiah was either (1) a demented fool who thought he heard and thought he was writing the word of God or (2) He was a liar and knew he was not hearing, writing and speaking the word of the Lord, or (3) He was a prophet of God and knew he was hearing God speak and knew he was writing, “thus saith the Lord.”

What is said of Jeremiah is true of all the Biblical writers. Billy Graham, in his early years, said he prayed and said, “God, I don’t understand all of the Bible, but I know it is all true. I will accept all of it by faith, even the parts I do not yet understand.” Take God at His word.

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