Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Call to Spiritual Renewal

“Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.” (Lamentations 3:40)

To turn again to the Lord, says that the people to whom these words were addressed were God’s people, Jews who had walked with God but had drifted away from Him.

The addressees could be Jews from Jerusalem, Israelites or Samaritans from Samaria. They could even be present day Christian people from thousands of churches around the world.

Billy Sunday said, “The way to have revival is for each person to draw a three foot circle around himself and pray until every person in the circle is revived.” Revival is for the saved, not the lost. D.M. Patton described revival as, “the inrush of the Spirit into a body that threatens to become a corpse.”

Revival is a spiritual renewal. That is what Jeremiah is calling for in our text. Before that can happen, each individual must search his ways, and finding his ways spiritually deficient, repent and turn back to the Lord. Revival must start at the church house. It will never start at the White House.

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