Saturday, November 7, 2015

How Firm A Foundation

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)

A building without a foundation is destined to fall. The same is true for society. There must be strong foundations for a strong society.  Jesus told about two men who built their houses on two different kinds of foundations. One built on solid rock. The other built on sand. The house on the rock stood firm but the one on the sand fell.

God gave us the Bible, His holy Word, as the first foundation and Satan has been attacking it for centuries. Hear him as he questions Eve, “Yea, hath God said…?” (Genesis 3:1) But the foundation still stands firm. God gave us the home and Satan has tried to change the home into something that does not resemble a Biblical home. But the home continues to be strong. God has given us law, order and justice as a foundation and Satan and his crowd continue to attempt to destroy it.  Another foundation God has given us the church. It still stands strong, although Satan has attempted to change its doctrines, weaken its stand against sin and infiltrate it with false teachers.

John Philips says, “Satan is attempting to destroy the foundations to make room for the coming man of sin, the Anti-Christ.”

What can the righteous do? Keep on being faithful to The Lord Jesus Christ.

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