Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Faith that Faces Opposition

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” (Romans 1:8)

Paul the Apostle was responsible for planting many churches, but the church at Rome was not one of them. He had heard of these saints and had heard of the opposition they were enduring as they practiced their faith. He expressed thanks to God for their strong faith.

He knew that Rome was a hot-bed of immorality, paganism, idol worship and all sorts of sins. It was their stand against the opposition to the Christian message, the believers lifestyle and their firm stand of faith that led Paul to thank God for their faith which was spoken of throughout the whole world.

You and I face opposition as we live the Christian life and practice our faith. What would Paul say of us? Would he be thankful for our faith or would his face get red with embarrassment  when someone mentioned us to him? Many of those saints in Rome died a martyr’s death. May God help us to stand firm when opposition comes.

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