Friday, November 20, 2015

Give Thanks to God

“Oh give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: because His mercy endureth forever.” 
(Psalm 118:1)

I have been told that in some public school history text books, revisionists have attempted to change some facts. One of these changes is that the first thanksgiving after the Pilgrims landed on these shores, “they bowed their heads and were thankful.” The revisionists, to be politically correct, have left out any reference to God as being the One to whom the Pilgrims gave thanks.

The Bible says that all good gifts come from God. (James 1:17) My history books told me and my fellow students that the Pilgrims “bowed their heads and gave thanks to God.”

Regardless of what the Pilgrims did or anyone else has done since that first thanksgiving, let us be thankful to the LORD before, during and after this Thanksgiving season, as the Psalmist has instructed us.

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