Wednesday, November 4, 2015


“…And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” ( I Timothy 6:8)

In his day Howard Hughes was reportedly the richest man alive. No one knew exactly how rich he was. When someone asked, “How much did he leave behind?” Another answered, “He left it all behind.” It was told that he could not eat a decent meal of meat and vegetables because of health issues. For all the good his wealth did him he may as well have had a sack full of shredded newspapers.

You and I should be content with what God has given us. John D. Rockefeller, of Standard Oil fame, was another rich man. He was asked, “How much money do you need to be content and satisfied?” He replied, “Just a little more.”

A lady walked into her walk-in closet which was hanging full of clothes and declared, “I just don’t have a thing to wear.”

The Bible says, “...and be content with such things as you have: for He has said, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake you.’” (Hebrews 13:5)

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