Tuesday, July 21, 2015


“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever.” (II Peter 3:18)

Many years ago I was acquainted with a family in which there was a son who was about sixteen years old. He could not feed, bathe nor dress himself. He could not speak except in squeals and grunts. He wore a diaper. He had never played with other children nor participated in sports. The excitement of bringing home a new baby from the hospital was replaced by the sad reality of this child’s condition.

In practically every church there are children of God who have experienced the “new birth.” But they have remained babes in Christ. Our text is addressed to all believers, since the subject is “ye,” which is plural in number. We are to be always growing in the Lord and showing some evidence of Christian growth.  The verb “to grow” is in the active voice which means each one is responsible for his own growth. It is in the imperative mood which means we are commanded to grow.

Let us graduate from the church nursery, clothe ourselves in the whole armor of God, feed on the Word of God, get proper exercise by walking in the Spirit and by running with patience the rest set before us and rest at the feet of Jesus. Grow!!!

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