Thursday, July 23, 2015

Give Heed to God’s Word

“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” (II Timothy 4:2)

These words were originally directed to the young pastor, Timothy. Some old preacher from years ago said, “The way to preach and not bring conviction or conversion is to preach against sin but don’t mention any sins of your own congregation.”

We live in a time when it seems many folks don’t know right from wrong and they don’t want to be told what’s right and wrong. Can you imagine Nathan the prophet going to King David’s house to confront him about his night with Bathsheba? David confessed his sin, was forgiven and his joy was restored.

We preachers are to preach hell as a place of torments, heaven as a wonderful place of sweet peace and Jesus, the Son of God, as the only way to miss hell and go to heaven. If we preachers are to preach the Word, reprove, correct, instruct, rebuke and exhort, then the folks in the pews are to give heed to and live by the Word of God. Don’t be like the fellow who was dying with cancer and changed doctors for one who would tell him everything was alright.  

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