Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Where Are You?

“And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, ‘Where art thou?’”
(Genesis 3:9)

The almighty God who is everywhere, and knowing everything, yes the God who knows the numbers of the hairs on our heads, knew where Adam was.

Adam, with his wife, Eve had just eaten of the forbidden tree in the midst of the Garden of Eden. Now they were hiding from God. Most assuredly God knew Adam’s location. He always knows where we are. The question was for Adam. It was intended to make Adam know he was lost: a lost sinner.

In the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-24, the son wasted everything in a far country. He began to be in want and consequently, this Jewish boy went to work for a gentile hog farmer. Shortly afterward, the Bible says the boy came to himself. It was after he came to himself that he headed home and received a “welcome home” from his father.

God wanted Adam to “come to himself.” It is only after we come to ourselves and see our condition that we will acknowledge that we need Jesus and His salvation. Do you know where you are today? When will you come to yourself and turn from sin to the Savior?

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