Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cultivate Your Gift

“Neglect not the gift that is in thee…” (I Timothy4:14)

What is the Spiritual gift which God has given you? A number of gifts are listed in the New Testament.  Among the gifts for today are ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, showing mercy, helps, evangelism and pastoral ministry. There were other first century gifts that ended with the apostolic age.

God has gifted all Christians with something they can do for the Lord in the church today. As Paul told his young Christian friend, Timothy, don’t neglect the gift God has given you. If God has given you the gift of teaching His word in a Sunday school class, with God’s help be the best you can be. Perhaps someone is a gifted truck driver: use that gift to bring children and others to church.

Ask Jesus to show you what it is you can do for Him and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit to use that gift for His glory and the edification of the church. We should not expect others without our gift to attempt to do in the church what the Lord has gifted us to do.

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