Friday, December 16, 2016

How Big is your God?

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” (Luke 1:37)

By His miraculous power God created the heaven and the earth, a feat impossible for men but not impossible for God. He opened a way through the Red Sea through which the Israelites were saved from the Egyptian army.

The Jordan River was overflowing its banks. God stopped the flow of the river so Israel could walk across, defeat Jericho and begin to claim the land God had promised to them.

Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was suffering from leprosy. God healed Naaman. Following his healing, his skin was like that of a little child.

God brought man into existence from the dust of the earth, without father or mother. He brought woman into existence a second way, from the rib of the man. Their children came into being a third way, in the same way you and I came into existence. Why should anyone think it strange or impossible for God to use a fourth way for a child to be born? For God to work the miracle of a virgin giving birth to His Son should not seem out of the realm of the miraculous. With God, nothing shall be impossible.

If you will receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith to be your Savior He will forgive all your sins and guarantee you a home in heaven because with God, nothing is impossible.

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