Tuesday, December 27, 2016

When the Wise Men Visited Jesus

“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” (Matthew 2:10)

If you are familiar with the Christmas story you are probably familiar with the visit of the wise men. Their visit was perhaps two years after Jesus’ birth. Their visit was not in the stable but in a house.

I want to point out five things in their visit:

  • First, when they saw the star they rejoiced. The star would direct them to Jesus. We Christians have the privilege of guiding people to Jesus. The light of our lives should encourage others and gladden their hearts.
  • Second, they fell down and worshiped Him. They did not worship Mary, or the star or the house, however meager or fine it may have been. They worshiped Him. It is important that we focus the attention of worship on Jesus, not outstanding Christian entertainers, nor the church building.
  • Third, when they opened their treasures they did not exchange gifts. They gave their gifts to him.
  • Fourth, they gave appropriate gifts to Jesus: Gold for a king, frankincense for God and myrrh for one destined to die.
  • Finally, when they left, they went back another way. When we have a visit with our Savior, whether it’s in the building where our church meets or in the privacy of our homes, we ought to leave different from what we were when we came.

How are your visits with Jesus? They should be frequent and meaningful.

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