Sunday, June 26, 2016

What’s in Your Heart?

“But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.  (James 3:14)

That which is in the heart has a way of coming out and manifesting itself in actions. Our Savior said, “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts false witness, and blasphemies.” (Matthew 15:19)

Someone with an evil heart broke into our house and stole keepsakes and personal items, no doubt to sell for cash to buy drugs. The man who killed forty-nine people in a night-club in Orlando, Florida a few days ago was motivated by an evil heart.

Strife among church members has its origin in the heart of one or more people.

The word, “bitter," used here means “sharp pointed,” like a briar or thorn. “Envying” is zeal. The word, “strife” has to do with faction. One may express these things thinking to get his way but the Bible says to not glory and to not lie, thinking the end justifies the means or that you are doing God a favor.

How very, very sad when someone’s theme song is, “I want my way, Lord, I want my way,” instead of "Have Thine own way, Lord, Have Thine own way."

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