Sunday, June 5, 2016

Practical Christianity

“If any among you seem to be religious and brideleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.” (James 1:26)

The sub-title of the epistle of James could be, “Practical Christianity.” James gets down to where we live. He is not talking about religious theory. He is writing to real Christians in a real world.

James mentions something about the tongue or speech in every chapter. Whereas Leviticus forbids us going around as tale-bearers, James tells us that if we cannot bridle our tongue our religion is vain. That’s pretty straight forward. He will tell us later in this epistle that we put bits in horses’ mouths to control them. Now we are told about the bridle to which the bit is attached.

Next to prayerlessness and pride, gossip is perhaps the biggest sin in the churches of today.  It will absolutely destroy lives and churches. We must put the bridle’s reins in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ and allow Him to be in control.

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