Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Weep with those who weep

Two little girls were sitting on the side of the street, crying like their hearts would break. One of them was holding a badly mangled doll.

Someone stopped to see what was  the matter.  Addressing  the child holding the doll he asked, “Why are  you crying  so hard?”  She replied, “My puppy dog found my doll and shook it and shook it and then chewed it all to pieces.  And I can’t stop crying.”

Turning to the other little girl the stranger asked, “Why are you crying?”  She said, “I’m crying ‘cause she’s crying.  I can’t fix her doll but I can cry with her because I’m her friend.”

The Bible instructs us, “…weep with them that weep.” (Romans 12:15)  Sometimes someone is weeping over a loss, tragedy, burden or problem that is beyond our ability to fix.  But, we can weep with them, letting them know they are not alone.

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