Friday, August 15, 2014

I Have Sinned

A lady went forward during an invitation at church and told the pastor, “I would confess my sins to God, but I can’t think of any.”  The pastor replied, “Well, just guess at it.”  She guessed it right the first time she tried.

Someone has said that the three hardest words in the English language are, “I have sinned.”  But, those three words were put together by the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 in one of the most tender passages in the Bible.

As you read again the entire story in Luke 15:11-32 notice in verse 18 what the son determined he would say to his father.  Then in verse 21 he blurts out those contrite words.

As the loving father forgives and receives his son think of sins in your life that have alienated you from your loving Father.  Go to Him with true and sincere words of confession, “I have sinned.” He will receive you and forgive you as the prodigal’s father received and forgave him.

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