Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pray without Ceasing

“Pray without ceasing.” (I Thessalonians 5:17)

Without studying about it, I believe the biggest sin in the average church today is not adultery, homosexuality, theft, gossip, lying, murder, taking God’s name in vain or idolatry.  Yes, these are all terrible sins but I believe the biggest sin among the church membership is prayerlessness. 

I believe prayer is the most neglected resource in most churches.  We get up early, go off to work, school, exercise class, even pastors head off to the hospital with no thought of prayer to be with a member going in for early surgery.  We live a decent life, come home, exhausted from a hard day, vow that we will pray tomorrow.  We go to sleep and start the routine all over again.  We attempt to do the impossible, that is, to live the Christian life in the energy of the flesh without seeking God’s help in prayer.

Scholars who know these things tell us that  this little verse is in the “imperative mood,” meaning that it is a command, just like all those commands in Exodus 20. When we fail to pray, not only are we being disobedient, we are leaving out one of  the most important elements of the Christian life.

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