Monday, August 11, 2014

It's Real

Two men, one a believer and the other a non-believer, were discussing death and eternal matters such as God, His love, the necessity of salvation and of being prepared.

“Suppose after we die we discover it was all a hoax invented by men with small minds to keep everyone under control,” said the non-believer.

The believer responded, “In that case I will have lost nothing.  But, you on the other hand, if it is as the Bible teaches, will have lost God’s presence, strength and comfort in this life plus the riches of heaven in eternity and will be forever separated from God and all that is good in a place called hell.”

It’s real.  It’s not a hoax.  Many believers have died as martyrs having been beheaded, burned at the stake and drowned while refusing to deny the reality of eternal life through Jesus Christ.  

I would not trade places with a non-believer.

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