Sunday, August 31, 2014

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purposes.”  (Romans 8:28)

I was personally acquainted with an elderly gentleman who said Romans 8:28 should be taken out of the Bible.  His wife had severe arthritis, had been in a terrible car accident and as a result was not able to leave her house or her wheelchair.

This verse is not saying that everything that happens to us is good any more than we and say that all the ingredients in a chocolate cake, eaten or consumed alone, are good.  But a good cook can take those ingredients, stir them together, bake them in a hot oven and serve them to family and friends who enjoy the final product.

Many things happen to us that we do not enjoy nor understand.  The brothers of Joseph terribly mistreated him, selling him into Egyptian bondage.  I think of Joseph’s words to his brothers following the death of their father, Jacob,  “As for you, you meant it for evil but God meant it for good to save much people alive.”  (Genesis 50:20)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Only God Knows the Future

Proverbs 27:1 “Boast not thyself of tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”

This verse is not necessarily written for evil and ungodly people.  It has a very real message for good, upstanding Christians as well.

How many times have you made excellent plans to do noble work only to have those plans thwarted by an accident or sickness?

Just this past week my wife read a book in which a 26 year old young man who had answered the call to missions, died unexpectedly of natural causes.

It must be remembered that life, death and the future are in the hands of God.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Praying When you Don’t Know How to Pray

Sometimes we approach God in prayer and we are so burdened we have difficulty forming the right words and phrases. We start to speak a prayer and nothing comes. We are broken and perhaps tears flood our eyes and so we stay there. Suddenly, quietly and without fanfare there is a peace that comes. We haven’t really said anything but we knew we had prayed.

What happened is found in Romans 8:26 which reads, “Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

Not to be confused with some unknown gibberish, you never made a sound but the Holy Spirit took your burden to the throne room of God and took care of your need.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pray without Ceasing

“Pray without ceasing.” (I Thessalonians 5:17)

Without studying about it, I believe the biggest sin in the average church today is not adultery, homosexuality, theft, gossip, lying, murder, taking God’s name in vain or idolatry.  Yes, these are all terrible sins but I believe the biggest sin among the church membership is prayerlessness. 

I believe prayer is the most neglected resource in most churches.  We get up early, go off to work, school, exercise class, even pastors head off to the hospital with no thought of prayer to be with a member going in for early surgery.  We live a decent life, come home, exhausted from a hard day, vow that we will pray tomorrow.  We go to sleep and start the routine all over again.  We attempt to do the impossible, that is, to live the Christian life in the energy of the flesh without seeking God’s help in prayer.

Scholars who know these things tell us that  this little verse is in the “imperative mood,” meaning that it is a command, just like all those commands in Exodus 20. When we fail to pray, not only are we being disobedient, we are leaving out one of  the most important elements of the Christian life.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Weep with those who weep

Two little girls were sitting on the side of the street, crying like their hearts would break. One of them was holding a badly mangled doll.

Someone stopped to see what was  the matter.  Addressing  the child holding the doll he asked, “Why are  you crying  so hard?”  She replied, “My puppy dog found my doll and shook it and shook it and then chewed it all to pieces.  And I can’t stop crying.”

Turning to the other little girl the stranger asked, “Why are you crying?”  She said, “I’m crying ‘cause she’s crying.  I can’t fix her doll but I can cry with her because I’m her friend.”

The Bible instructs us, “…weep with them that weep.” (Romans 12:15)  Sometimes someone is weeping over a loss, tragedy, burden or problem that is beyond our ability to fix.  But, we can weep with them, letting them know they are not alone.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jesus Understands

When our Sunday School teacher asked the children to quote their favorite Bible verse someone would immediately call out, “Jesus Wept,” and all the others would laugh and giggle.  Then the teacher would patiently ask the next child for his favorite verse.  He would say, “He got my verse.” More laughter. Then someone might struggle through John 3:16. How silly, frivolous and childish we were. Today I look back with embarrassment at myself and the rest of us.

Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus, His friend, and brother to two outstanding women in the Bible, Mary and Martha.  Lazarus had been dead four days and when Jesus saw them weeping He wept. That verse, John 11:35, lets us know that Jesus was truly a human with the ability to cry. He understands when we shed our tears. 

He had additional human traits. Following forty days and nights of fasting He was hungry. (Mt. 4:2)  He got sleepy and slept in the rear of a boat as it was tossed in a storm on the Sea of Galilee. (Mark 4:35-42)  He got tired and sat down on the top of a well. (John 4:6)  He suffered pain. He bled. He died. True, He was all God. Equally true, He was all man.

The Bible says, “we have not a High Priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like we are, and yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”  (Hebrews 4:15,16)  You can talk to Him. He understands your every pain, sorrow, heartache, temptation and tear.  He is our High priest in heaven making intercession for us before the Father.  What a Savior! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

When you don't know what to do

What do you do when you’re in trouble with the forces of evil or when you’re facing problems much larger than you, when defeat seems certain and you do not know what to do?

The Moabites, Ammonites and the Edomites had joined forces against Jeshoshaphat, king of Judah.  Jeshoshaphat prayed and in his prayer reminded God of how He had led His people in previous victories. He laid the problem before the Lord.  In II Chronicles 20:12 he concluded his prayer with these words: "Oh our God, will you not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that comes against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon you.”

The messenger of God said, “…set yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord…” (II Chronicles 20:17)  The people of God had victory that day and began to praise the Lord. 

That is the key. When you don’t know what to do, when failure and defeat look certain, when there is nothing you can do, turn your eyes on the Lord and wait on Him.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

He will never leave nor forsake you

When you surrendered your all to Jesus Christ, trusting Him for salvation, He not only gave you eternal life, He made you a promise that He would never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)

When you are being rolled through the doors of an operating room facing serious surgery He will be with you.  If it’s a loved one facing the surgery be assured that He will be with you in the waiting room even while He is in the operating room with your loved one.

When you are grief stricken, lonely, heart broken or feeling that no one cares, remember the promise, “…I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Allow God to be the unseen guest in your home, in your work place  and in your car as you travel to and from work.  By the way, there has never been a government or court big enough or powerful enough to keep this “unseen Guest” out of your classroom. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Standing on the promises

Someone has counted between 3,500 and 4,000 promises in the Bible.  The number of promises is pretty amazing, but more amazing is the content of each one.  More amazing still is the fact that God has never broken a promise.

At the dedication of the temple in Jerusalem, following his prayer Solomon stood, blessed the people of Israel with a loud voice, saying, “blessed be the Lord, that hath given rest unto His people Israel, according to all that He promised: There hath not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised by the hand of Moses His servant” (I Kings 8:55,56).

Only God could promise eternal life and then keep His promise (I John 2:25).  He alone could promise to stay with us as our constant companion giving us strength and comfort following salvation (Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:18-20).

He promised to send His Son, the Messiah to be born in Bethlehem (Micah5:2), and that He would die for our sins (Isaiah 53:1-12), and that He would rise from the dead (Job 19:25).
More than 300 times in the New Testament we are promised that Jesus is coming again.

Read the Bible.  Search for the promises.  You can’t stand on the promises if you don’t know what they are.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Under His Wings

“…In the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.”  (Psalm 57:1)

Out on the farm, where the mother hen and her baby chicks run free, danger may come in many forms: a chicken hawk, a fox, a storm or a host of other dangers. In such times the mother hen will  make a “clucking” sound  and spread her wings while her chicks run for cover under her wings.  In this Psalm David was fleeing from Saul who was seeking to kill him.  David is seeking shelter under the wings of God.  He knew he would be safe there.

Jesus used the expression of a hen gathering her chicks under her wings to illustrate His wanting to gather the Jews to Himself. But, they would not come to Him. Their refusal prompted these words from Him: “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” (Matthew 23:37, 38)

You and I face numerous calamities in life.  We will be safe under His wings. 
                        Under His wings, under His wings,
                           Who from His love can sever?
                        Under His wings my soul shall abide,
                           Safely abide forever.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ready or Not

Do you remember as a child playing, “Hide-and-Seek” or as it was sometimes called, “Hide-and-go-seek?”  Someone was “It” designated as the “seeker” to go find the other kids who were  hiding.  The seeker would count to one hundred while the other kids hid and then call out, “Ready or not, here I come.”  The object was to hide and make it back to the base calling out, “Home Free,” without the seeker getting back to base first and calling out, “one, two, three on so and so.”  It was a fun child’s game.

It reminds me of a very serious event that is going to happen.  The “count down” for the second coming of Jesus Christ started a long time ago and God alone knows when the counting will end.  The Bible says, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh.” (Matthew 24:44)  One can almost hear Him say, “Ready or not, here I Come.”

Now is the time to turn your life over to Christ and be ready for His return.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A deacon friend jokingly asked me on several occasions after a sermon, “Preacher, is that something we’re supposed to do, or is that just one of those things we discuss and talk about doing?”

When Jesus was bringing His Sermon on the Mount to a close He said, “He that hears these sayings of mine, and does them is like a wise man who built his house on a rock and it withstood the storms that came. But, the man that hears these sayings and ignores them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand and when the storms came it fell.” (Matthew 7:24-27)

James, the half brother of Jesus wrote in his epistle, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” (James 1:22)

It was told that the nation’s champion bait caster had never caught a fish. I fear that many Christians can lead a discussion on practically any subject in the Bible but fail to make application in their own lives. That’s “a house on the sand.” Storms are coming. Only the house on the rock will stand when the storms come.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

One Way

One may go to Nashville, Tennessee on any one of a number of roads.  Interstates 40, 24 or 65 will get you there from north, south, east or west.  Or you may travel 31w, 31e, 431 or 70 or a number of other roads.  Thousands of people travel those roads every day to get to Nashville.

However, despite the many religions in the world with claims to the contrary, there is only one way to heaven.  That one way is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no many cometh to the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)  Peter said, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

If there is another way other than Jesus to be saved and go to heaven, God sent Jesus to the cross for no reason.  Receive Jesus Christ by faith and be saved today.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Prayer at the Beginning

In the last part of Genesis 4:26 we read these words: “then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.” Apparently prayer had not been practiced before.

Notice the things that had happened before men began to pray. The first home was established (Gen. 2:18-25). The first temptation to disobey God was given by the devil (Gen. 3:1-6). The first sin was committed (Gen. 3:6). The first children were born into a prayerless home (Gen. 4:1,2).  The first offerings were brought to God, one of which was unacceptable (Gen. 4:3-4). The first murder was committed (Gen. 4:8) and the first bigamy took place (Gen. 4:19).

The old hymn, “What a Friend We have in Jesus,” says, “Oh, what peace we often forfeit; oh, what needless pain we bear; all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”

One has to believe our lives would be better if we would pray first and learn the direction God has for us before we make a mess of things. If you have prayerlessly run ahead of God and have already made a mess, confess it to Him. Begin now to call upon the name of the Lord from this point on.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Devotional Guide

God has blessed me with the privilege of writing and sharing these short daily devotions.  I am glad to know people are being blessed and encouraged through the reading of them.  I enjoy reading the daily devotions of other writers as they share their insights.

However, one’s daily devotional time must consist of more than another person’s thoughts from a devotional guide.  God must be personal to you and me.  We must experience Him for ourselves and not just read about what He means to someone else.  We must read His Word daily and allow the Holy Spirit to make applications in the areas of our lives that need God’s attention.

I fully believe the other devotional guide writers would agree with me on that point.  Read God’s Word. There is no substitute for it. Let it be your primary “devotional” guide.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Impromptu Opportunities

It was told that Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Britain in the 1800’s, after giving a speech before Parliament, was praised by someone for his “excellent impromptu speech.”  The Prime Minister said, “True, the speech was given on short notice, but I have been preparing this speech for a lifetime.”

The Christian, likewise, is to always ready to share his beliefs and testimony.  Peter said in his first epistle, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts; and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” (I Pet. 3:15)

Chance meetings with non-believers provide opportunities for the Christian who is always ready.  Paul the Apostle told his young Christian friend, Timothy, to be “instant in season or out of season.”

To always be ready requires private reading, study, memorization of and meditation on the Bible.  Readiness to share our Christian testimony also requires spending time with God in prayer.  It requires patience, endurance and the presence of God in trials and hardships.   It requires a life of faith.

Living the Christian life moment by moment, day by day, year in and year out prepares us for those “impromptu” opportunities.

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Have Sinned

A lady went forward during an invitation at church and told the pastor, “I would confess my sins to God, but I can’t think of any.”  The pastor replied, “Well, just guess at it.”  She guessed it right the first time she tried.

Someone has said that the three hardest words in the English language are, “I have sinned.”  But, those three words were put together by the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 in one of the most tender passages in the Bible.

As you read again the entire story in Luke 15:11-32 notice in verse 18 what the son determined he would say to his father.  Then in verse 21 he blurts out those contrite words.

As the loving father forgives and receives his son think of sins in your life that have alienated you from your loving Father.  Go to Him with true and sincere words of confession, “I have sinned.” He will receive you and forgive you as the prodigal’s father received and forgave him.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


On the cross as He was dying an agonizing death the Lord Jesus spoke these words,
“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”  (Luke 23:34)


The Bible says in Ephesians 4:32, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”


The late Ruth Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, said that a successful marriage must be made up of two good forgivers.


To fail to forgive others of real or imagined wrongs against us is to burn the bridge over which we must travel.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Cure

Let us suppose that you have a terrible, persistent cough which keeps you and everyone in the house awake at night. You make an appointment with a doctor who examines you and then prescribes an over the counter cough syrup. You believe that he is treating the symptoms of something that could prove to be fatal if treated with cough syrup. You go to another doctor and discover that radical surgery is needed to save your life.

Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, describes some symptoms of a greater disease in Matthew 15:19. He tells us that evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies come from the heart of man. The Bible says that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9) While many people work overtime to treat the symptoms of a diseased and corrupt heart, it is an exercise in futility.

Only Jesus Christ can change a wicked heart and put love where hate has been, purity where immorality has been, compassion where apathy has been, honesty where theft has been and worship and praise where indifference has been. In short, Jesus alone can change a person from death to life. Stop treating the symptoms and accept The Cure.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

And God said...

“And God said…” appears nine times in the first chapter of Genesis. All is going well until chapter three.

In Genesis 3:1 we read, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

Satan as a serpent, questions Eve concerning God’s word to Adam. Did God really say that? Did God really mean what He said? Are you sure that something wasn’t lost from the time God spoke to Adam and Adam spoke to you.

From that day to this Satan has been planting doubts concerning God’s word in the minds of the human race. Moral teachings are called into question along with teachings on the person and work of Christ and the way to eternal life. Jesus accepted the Bible in its entirety as the inspired Word of God. Hear Him as He defeats the devil three times with a simple, “It is written.” Let the Bible be your guide to a happy life.

Monday, August 11, 2014

It's Real

Two men, one a believer and the other a non-believer, were discussing death and eternal matters such as God, His love, the necessity of salvation and of being prepared.

“Suppose after we die we discover it was all a hoax invented by men with small minds to keep everyone under control,” said the non-believer.

The believer responded, “In that case I will have lost nothing.  But, you on the other hand, if it is as the Bible teaches, will have lost God’s presence, strength and comfort in this life plus the riches of heaven in eternity and will be forever separated from God and all that is good in a place called hell.”

It’s real.  It’s not a hoax.  Many believers have died as martyrs having been beheaded, burned at the stake and drowned while refusing to deny the reality of eternal life through Jesus Christ.  

I would not trade places with a non-believer.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Have you ever seen the wind blow?

Have you ever seen the wind blow?  We have seen trees bent over or uprooted with the force of wind.  We have seen old fashioned wind mills on the farm turning as they were driven by the wind.  We have seen waves as they “white-capped” as a result of gale force wind.

But, in all honesty, we have never seen the wind blow.

We have seen the destruction caused by the wind and have enjoyed flying a kite on a perfect not-too-windy day.  But while we see what the wind does we have never seen the wind.

The Bible says, “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."  (John 3:8)

We have never seen the Holy Spirit but we have seen the change the Holy Spirit makes in a person who has been born again of the Spirit of God.  The wind bends steel, breaks trees, throws cars and trucks like a child throwing toys.  Just so, the Holy Spirit can change an unsaved person into a Christian, a child of God.

Turn your life over to Christ and experience change from death to life.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

In the beginning God...

The first four words in the Bible read, “In the beginning God…”  (Gen.1:1)

The Bible does not attempt to prove the existence of God.  It makes a statement in Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1, “The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”

God is in the beginning.  Only a fool would attempt to deny His eternal existence.

Avoid being foolish.  Recognize God in the beginning of your day.  Let God be in the beginning of your marriage and home. In the beginning of your vocation, education and recreation put God first.  

Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you...” (Matthew 6:33)