Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Our Daily Bread - A Study of the Lord's Prayer

Today is the third in a series of seven devotionals examining the Lord's Prayer.

“Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11)

Apparently, our Lord is suggesting that this portion of the model prayer is to be prayed in the morning, seeing it is a request for the supply of our daily needs - this day’s needs. We would not wait for nightfall or bed time to ask God to supply daily needs of bread for hungry children. Who says we cannot pray more than once a day? David prayed morning, noon and night.  (Psalm 55:17)

This verse reminds me of the manna which God supplied to the Israelites while they were in the wilderness. Every morning there was a supply of manna on the ground or on the grass and the people gathered enough for each day. If they tried to store some it would stink and breed worms. Every morning God supplied it except on the Sabbath. They could gather enough on the day before to take them through the Sabbath. On that day there was no stink nor were there worms. Amazing.

There is at least one more truth in this verse that must be pointed out. God does indeed want us to pray for our daily needs. I have heard people say, “I don’t bother God with my needs. He’s much too busy to fool with me and my needs.” They are missing tremendous blessings. He wants to hear from each of us.

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