Friday, July 13, 2018

Deliver Us From the Evil One - A Study of the Lord's Prayer

Today is the sixth in a series of seven devotionals examining the Lord's Prayer.

“...But deliver us from evil…” (Matthew 6:13)

Satan is like a roaring lion, walking about seeking people whom he can destroy. You and I are not exempt from the eyes of the evil one. Job is an example of someone caught in the sights or “cross-hairs” of the devil’s aim.  We are told to put on the whole armor of God for we are in combat with the devil and his forces of evil, his demonic angels. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

In the Model Prayer the last request is that we be delivered from evil, or as most translations have it, “the evil one.” It is a worthy request. We cannot stand against Satan in our own strength. Michael the archangel and the devil were in a dispute over the body of Moses. Satan wanted the body of Moses because he knew that if he could present the body of Israel’s revered leader to them, they would turn from the living God to the dead corpse of Moses. His body would thus become an idol and God would destroy them for their sin of idolatry. The Bible says that Michael turned the fight over to God and said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke thee.” (Jude 1:9)

If Michael the Archangel of God knew that he was no match against the devil, who are we to think we can be successful against him without the strength of almighty God?

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