Friday, June 29, 2018

What Will You Do With Jesus?

“Pilate saith unto them, ‘What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?’ They all say unto him, ‘Let Him be crucified.’” (Matthew 27:22)

This Biblical question finds Pilate, the governor, caught on the horns of a dilemma. It was Passover time in Jerusalem. There was a custom that Pilate could release a prisoner to the people at the feast. There was a notable prisoner named Barabbas who was a robber, a seditionist and had committed murder. And there was Jesus in whom Pilate found no fault. If Pilate released Jesus and executed Barabbas he would be out of favor with the Jewish people. If he released Barabbas and crucified Jesus he would be out of favor with his conscience. He desired to remain neutral but could not. He attempted to wash his hands of any responsibility then released Barabbas and had Jesus scourged and delivered to be crucified.

Many people face a similar dilemma today. Your friends may like the bars, the drinking, the sexual “freedom,” the living together without marriage with no thought of church or the hereafter. But those things are done in opposition to the teaching of Jesus.

So the question is, “What shall you do with Jesus?” You cannot remain neutral about Jesus, about His sacrificial death at Calvary, His resurrection, and His claims upon your life.

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