Friday, June 2, 2017

When We See Jesus

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” (Job 42:5)

Friends of mine formed a gospel singing trio. One of their songs said, “I have never seen the face of my Savior, but serving Him has been such a thrill…” Later it says, “I have never seen the Savior but one day I will.”

Every true Christian looks forward with longing to seeing the Son of God face to face. We have talked to Him many times, asking for His help, thanking Him for His goodness and for His forgiveness of our many sins. We have lifted our hands in praise to Him but we have not seen Him. But one day we will see Him. Until then we walk by faith not by sight.

Are you longing to see Him? Are you prepared to be where He is? Trust Him today for eternal life.

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