Sunday, June 18, 2017

No Greater Joy

“But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel.” (Philippians 2:22)

Paul is endorsing the ministry of Timothy as well as the man himself. In our previous devotion Paul recommended Timothy as “likeminded” with Paul. Today is Father’s Day.  I have many precious memories of working with my father in the fields out on the farm as well as working with him in the gospel. When I was just entering the ministry he invited me to preach in two, perhaps three revivals. As one would expect I invited my dad to help me in meetings. Those are precious, precious memories.

Other exceedingly precious memories flood my soul as my son has been “Music Man” for a large portion of my ministry.  We served together in a tent revival when, as a teenager, he played the piano each night as a different man preached. He has been my organist, pianist and music director for a long time in a local church where I was pastor.

Brother Paul would not object, I’m sure, if I said something about my daughter who has served the Lord in so many ways. She has sung, taught Sunday School, has been VBS Director and taught in VBS. John said, and I agree, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John 4)

Paul could only say, “As a son with a father,” but I have the privilege of saying of my dad and children, it is the real thing. Their mother set the standard and example.  She was teaching a class of four and five year old “Beginners” in Sunday School when she was fourteen years old. She has gone with me every step of the way, going way beyond the call of duty.

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