Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sing To the Lord

“I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.” (Psalm 13:6)

Look at the sad, mournful face on many singers as they sing about a love gone wrong, unfaithfulness, broken heartedness and being mistreated. One song of years ago included it all: a jilted lover, a railroad, an eighteen-wheeler, mama, daddy’s drunkenness, children gone bad, being broke and living in a shack on a mountain. It should have gotten an award for sadness.

Most of the citizens of the United States are physically rich compared to the citizens of Palestine in the days of Jesus.

Christians have riches far beyond bank accounts, houses, land holdings, automobiles, oil wells and other physical riches. The Psalmist had the attitude we believers should have. God has so bountifully blessed us we should praise Him in song constantly.

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