Monday, July 25, 2016

Are You Sick?

“Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord…” (James 5:14)

Notice where these sick are located and who they are. They are “among you.” They are part of the body of believers. Notice second who is to take the initiative in calling for help: the sick person. Notice also, who the sick are to call: the elders of the church, not professional faith healers.

The elders are to pray over the sick and anoint with oil. It does not say what kind of oil is to be used or whether it is ceremonial or medicinal. Olive oil has long been used as medicine. Many of us grew up in the country with an old fashioned doctor who made house calls. We remember taking “castor oil” and washing it down with orange juice. Most of my generation has used “kerosene” or “coal-oil” on wounds and sores.

This verse is a picture of calling on God in prayer and using the best medicine or surgery available. I remember making a visit early one morning to a little boy in the hospital surgical wing. He was to have a tonsillectomy. As I visited the boy and his dad, just as I was about to pray, his surgeon came in to explain some of the procedure. As he was leaving the boy’s bedside the doctor said, “Let’s pray together.” He then prayed. I have long appreciated that physician and physicians like him.

There is not some magical formula we use with the sick. We are to ask God’s help and use the best medicine science has to offer.

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