Monday, May 9, 2016

Walk by Faith

“… For we walk by faith, not by sight.”  (II Corinthians 5:7)

We think of walking as taking one step at a time, placing one foot in front of the other as we move forward. Sometimes we may find ourselves on paths we have never traveled before. We do not know what is around the next bend or over the next hill. We just keep walking until we reach our destination.

That’s the way the Christian life is. We have never seen Jesus but we take the first step with Him by faith, trusting Him for eternal life. We take the first baby steps of faith, following Him in baptism and church membership and then enlisting in His service. We keep walking, one step at a time, trusting Him to guide us each step of the way. We don’t know what the future holds but we know who holds the future.

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