Friday, May 6, 2016

The Only Cure

“For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. (I Corinthians 2:2)

When the Apostle Paul arrived in the city of Corinth he discovered idolatry, theft, adultery, drunkenness, lying, homosexuality, extortion, covetousness and all sorts of other sins. When he wrote back to the church in Corinth which was made up of people converted from such lifestyles, he said, “…and such were (emphasis mine) some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (I Corinthians 6:11)  Their lives had been changed by the Gospel of Christ.

He indicated in our text that the only cure for their sin-sickness was the crucified Christ. That was the subject of the apostle’s preaching and teaching in Corinth.

The crucified Christ is the only cure for a sin-sick world. May our pulpits in America and around the world be flaming hot, as in decades gone by, with the preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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