Saturday, May 28, 2016

Avoid Satan’s Web

“Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” (James 1:15)

Because our lust, when not under the control of the Lord Jesus, is so powerful, we easily and readily yield to temptation. Lust conceives and the embryo is sin. The child of sin is death.

Adam and Eve found out that what God says is true and he never lies. All too many people today trifle with temptation, thinking it’s not a problem for them. They keep one eye open toward the temptation they ask not to be led into.

They are like a grasshopper who sticks one foot out to test a spider’s web. With that foot caught, he sticks out another to try to extract the first one. Now, two feet are caught, then a third and a fourth are caught. Then the spider comes down and wraps the poor grasshopper in his sticky web and starts to enjoy a meal of fresh grasshopper.

Don’t let Satan entrap and enslave you. Turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and be free from the devil.

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